Kate Mercuri - Registered Nutritionist.
Passionate about healthy and tasty cooking, I am convinced that a balanced diet must taste good and must be appreciated by your loved ones!
Daughter of a professor of medicine, I have been rocked since my childhood by his method which combines Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. For years I naturally developed my interest in the functioning of the body, nutrition and its impact. It is for this reason that I first took a degree in anatomy, physiology and pathology and then a degree in nutrition.
My role is, among other things, to show you how to prevent chronic diseases (the number one enemy these days) and stay healthy thanks to the balanced diet that suits you.
Whatever the goal: to lose weight, balance the diet, improve digestion, diversify the palette of recipes, we are all different and the key to everyone's well-being is unique and must be developed to measure.
I am here to guide you, taking into account your preferences, lifestyles, professions, occupations, habits or health conditions. Eat well, good and with pleasure!
Всем привет. Я Екатерина Меркюри - нутрициолог с швейцарским образованием.Уже 8 лет живу в Швейицицицицицир
Я убеждена, что в современном обществе каждому необходимо знать об основах полноценного питания, которое подходит под Ваши вкусы, расписание, особенности профессии и нравится по вкусу.
Мои родители, врачи восстановительной медицины, академики Картавенко, авторы бескислородной гимнастики, направленной на работу с правильными рефлексами в нашем организме.
Являсь активным Пользоватем и иаработок начала освоила науку нутрициологию, Получив швецарский диплом. Я фанат своего дела, постоянно развиваюсь и учусь новому.
Моя миссия - Показать ююяям, чожно избежать заболеваний, быть Полным энергией и и иметь Высокое Всего этого можно добиться при помощи нутрициологии и уникальных знаний моиЅ родеит.
solutions for:
-Improve your digestion
- Eliminate unpleasant symptoms after digestion
-Manage your weight
-Develop good eating habits
-Manage your stress with simple exercises developed by my father, professor of medicine (experience of more than 40 years)
-Manage food-related behaviors
-Prevent chronic diseases
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I'm a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
I'm a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

Contact: EN | IN | RUS
You are the only person who can decide to be healthy in the future. But I can help you get there. At your disposal for an interview in person or by video conference.
Kate Mercuri
Montreux Switzerland
Phone: +41 78 941 50 33