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Introducing Complete Nutrition

into Daily Lifestyle

Nutritionist with Swiss diploma and holistic thinking

Kate Mercuri

Certified nutritionist from Switzerland.


I am the daughter of Academicians Kartavenko, doctors of Restorative Medicine, connecting Eastern and Western approach to Medicine. Since childhood, we have been fed information that our body is a unique system and that every disease has a root cause.


My goal is to help Your body to function fully, to recognize faults at the first signs and to correct them gently with Adaptive Nutrition.


I will show you how, with the help of Complete Nutrition and good eating habits, to prolong the quality of a healthy and happy life, to fill the body with long energy, not to lose its natural beauty over time. year.


What requests can I help You with:

Incorporate Complete, Tasty Nutrition

into Your Routine

Improve your own body and prevent disease

Working with stress and its consequences, establishing sleep

Meal plan adapted to family, social and professional life

Healthy weight adjustment

Developing healthy eating habits with pleasure

Treat symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract (heartburn, heaviness, bloating, etc.)

Analysis of your lifestyle and diet + recommendations for optimization

Prepare simple but complete meals for the whole family

Prevention of deficits

Improving the digestibility of food and the work of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of short gymnastic exercises without oxygen from academicians Kartavenko

My competencies

I have 3 higher and 2 additional educations, 2 of which I received in Switzerland

Defended her PhD thesis in the field of organization management

I publish scientific articles, conduct scientific research and develop phytopreparations together with Dr. Kartavenko

One of the latest scientific publications


Phytopreparations developed with my participation

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My diplomas

In 2021, he took a 150-hour course “Anatomy-Physiology-Pathology”


​ In 2022, she passed the exam at the end of the “Nutriciology” course

​ The two programs of the Swiss School of Health in French-speaking Switzerland focus on the principles of developing nutritional recommendations and clinical monitoring from a health perspective.

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Options for my online / offline consultations


One-time online / offline consultation Montreux region

Unaccompanied How is the consultation going: - I am sending you a small questionnaire with a food diary for a week, you fill them out - Next, we arrange an online meeting, I first analyze all the data provided by you and make individual recommendations necessary to achieve your goal - The online consultation takes place in the format of a call within 60 minutes, after which I send you an individual plan in electronic format. You will receive: - Analysis of your current diet, selection of alternatives for unwanted products - Personalized recommendations about nutrition and lifestyle - - Identification and replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies - Rules for making a complete diet and a list of products that you need to connect.

Cost of 1 consultation:
CHF 120


Online / offline consultation Montreux region

With support for 1 week - I am sending you a small questionnaire with a food diary for a week, you fill them out - Next, we arrange an online meeting, I first analyze all the data provided by you and make individual recommendations necessary to achieve your goal - The online consultation takes place in the format of a call within 60 minutes, after which I send you an individual plan in electronic format. You will receive: - Analysis of your current diet, selection of alternatives for unwanted products - Personalized recommendations about nutrition and lifestyle - - Identification and replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies - Rules for making a full-fledged diet and a list of products that you need to connect - Support for 1 week, correction of the diet, answers to all questions during the week (during working hours) and the gradual introduction of healthy habits

Cost 1 consultation

+ week of support – CHF 160


Format of 3 consultations for a lasting result (recommended)

Development, control, correction and optimization of the plan - I am sending you a small questionnaire with a food diary for a week, you fill them out - Next, we arrange an online meeting, I first analyze all the data provided by you and make individual recommendations necessary to achieve your goal - The online consultation takes place in the format of a call within 60 minutes, after which I send you an individual plan in electronic format. You will receive: - Analysis of your current diet, selection of alternatives for unwanted products - Personalized recommendations about nutrition and lifestyle - - Identification and replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies - Rules for making a full-fledged diet and a list of products that you need to connect 1 Consultation lasts 45 minutes, we develop an action plan and a deadline for achieving results. Subsequent consultations last 15-20 minutes - control, correction, optimization.

Cost of the format of 3 consultations:

CHF 330


Mentorat personnel

Coût de mentorat personnel:
2400 CHF


Détails lors d'une consultation personnelle

Feedback on my customer experience

Healthy recipes

Marina E.

53, Bern

How easy it became when, on the recommendation of Ekaterina, I first began to reduce sugar, yes, raw cane in the diet and gradually replace it with the right sweetener. Immediately during the week, strength increased, swelling decreased, the complexion changed.